Good Online Tools
There are a lot of good apps and online tools for helping you build a budget and stay on track. Our budget worksheet, and the envelope system introduction are both tools to help you build and stick to your budget. These electronic tools are additional formats you may find you prefer - The key is to find the one that works for you! We have assembled a list of available for you to explore. When reviewing tools (whether it is hard copy, excel or an app like those below), consider your style, what are you more likely to actively engage with? What system will you actually “use”? You might have to try a couple – that’s okay. Trial and error is an important step to building smart financial habits.
Tip: Be sure to read the fine print and be aware of the site’s privacy policies, fee structure (they’re not all free!), products they endorse (there is something in it for them!) and requirements.
Financial Information Sites

Theses sites offer resources and tips for budgeting, credit, savings, and investing.
Offers quizzes, videos and strategies for building a successful financial plan
Monthly updates with top resources
Surveys and rankings of sites
Offers financial content on the web
Articles & financial dictionary