Meet the CABLE Team
The purpose of the CABLE Advantage program is to build community and provide support for first year business students. To make that happen we’ve assembled a team of Jabs all-stars.

Brenda Truman
Jabs Assistant Dean for Student Services & Retention
- Brenda is the CABLE Advantage program lead. If you have any questions about the CABLE Program please email Brenda directly at

Kayla Lee
Jabs Director of Student and Community Engagement
- Kayla assists with many of the operational aspects of the CABLE program.

Jabs Academic Advisor
- Emily is the dedicated Academic Advisor for all CABLE students. You’ll meet her at
Orientation this summer and see her frequently throughout the Fall semester and beyond.
She’s your go-to person for any questions about classes, resources, how to be successful
at MSU, etc.

Hans Dierenfeldt
Jabs Professor
- Hans oversees the Jabs peer mentoring program and teaches several business courses, including one of the CABLE learning community courses, BGEN 104US-Business & Entrepreneurship Seminar.
- He also coordinates the CABLE Learning Community instructors from other departments
such as math and writing.