Due to limited fund availability, EHHD will not be accepting additional proposals for internal grants through June 30, 2025.

AY 2024-25 EHHD Internal Professional Development Grant

 Would you benefit from targeted professional development in your field?  The College of Education, Health and Human Development will award up to $1700 for up to five internal grants for faculty or staff at any stage in their career who would like to acquire new knowledge and skills for the benefit of their scholarship and/or teaching.  Activities might include taking a course, participating in a workshop, or getting individualized coaching or training.         

Eligible:   EHHD TT and NTT faculty and Staff

Rolling Deadline until funds are expended


Please submit a 1-2 page document (Word or pdf) with the following information:

  1. PI Name
  2. Description of the targeted professional development opportunity
  3. Description of how this professional development will contribute to your scholarly development.
  4. Budget and Budget Justification including how amounts were derived and whether other sources have been secured.

Application information & Award conditions:

  • Deadline: rolling during AY 2024-25 until funds expended
  • Please submit your application to: Elizabeth Bird.
  • The Office of Scholarship Development and Academic Impact and EHHD Leadership Team will serve as the review committee for evaluating and prioritizing applications.
  • Awardees will attend an EHHD fiscal training before funds can be spent.
  • The deadline for expending funds will be determined at the time of the award, usually within the current fiscal year.  

Criteria for evaluation: 

  1. Justification for the importance of this professional development opportunity (50%)
  2. Likelihood of the professional development leading to scholarly productivity or other outcomes (25%)
  3. Budget clarity (25%)