The Leadership Challenge Training
Leaders are made, not born. At The Leadership Challenge®, we believe that
leadership is a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviors. We aim
to inspire, encourage, and develop the next generation of leaders by liberating the
leader in everyone.

The Leadership Challenge framework grew out of rigorous research that authors James
M. Kouzes and Barry Posner first began conducting in 1982. From their results emerged
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®, five easy-to-grasp concepts that leaders
can follow every day to become extraordinary: Model The Way, Inspire a Shared Vision,
Challenge The Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage The Heart.
The LPI®: Leadership Practices Inventory® assessment not only measures the frequency you engage in exemplary leadership behaviors
leadership skills, but it also inspires the breakthrough insights needed to build
positive relationships and achieve the extraordinary. This 360-degree assessment helps
organizations create change towards a more motivated and productive workforce by building
a culture of leadership.
MSU Extension has four certfied facilitators in The Leadership Challenge.