IPM Faculty and Staff
This page contains contact information for MSU Extension IPM specialists. Each row has a link to that specialist's faculty page (when applicable) along with their office or lab location, phone number, and email address.
Please address plant-related questions and concerns to the Schutter Diagnostic Laboratory.
IPM Specialists

Dr. Tim Seipel
IPM Director
Assistant Research Professor
Land Resources and Environmental Sciences
Extension Cropland Weed Ecology

Dr. Eva Grimme
Plant Disease Diagnostician
Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
Schutter Diagnostic Laboratory
Urban and Horticulture IPM

Dr. Jane Mangold
Land Resources and Environmental Sciences
Rangeland Invasive Plant Management

Dr. Uta McKelvy
Assistant Professor
Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
Field Crop Pathology
Schutter Diagnostic Laboratory

Dr. Zach Miller
Professor of Horticulture
Western Agricultural Research Center

Noelle Orloff
Plant Identification Diagnostician
Land Resources and Environmental Studies
Schutter Diagnostic Laboratory

Marni Rolston
Crop Insect Diagnostician
Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
Schutter Diagnostic Laboratory

Abi Saeed
Extension Horticulture Specialist
Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
Integrated Pest Management

Chloe Rice

Dr. Cecil Tharp
Extension Specialist
Animal and Range Sciences
Pesticide Education Program

Dr. Tiziana Oppedisano
Assistant Professor of Entomology/Insect Ecology
Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center

Brandy Moses Straub
IPM Program Coordinator