Certification Continuance
Recertification and Continuing Education Credits (CEC's)
Additional details for recertification and CECs coming soon.

Teach Montana Master Gardener
Teach any certified Master Gardener class for your county or reservation Extension educator. 1 CEC per class.

Montana State University Urban IPM Program
Online course to become a certified Urban IPM practitioner; uses Digital Chalk classroom. Complete 8 lessons & quizzes. 1 CEC per lesson.

Nutrient Management Modules
15 Self-study modules; download and take quiz; email to state coordinator for grading.
1 CEC per module/quiz.

Soil & Water Management Modules
5 Self-study modules; download and take quiz; email to state coordinator for grading.
1 CEC per module/quiz.

Private Applicator Pesticide License
Complete requirements for MT DOA pesticide license; email copy of current license
with your name on it. 3 CEC's.

International Master Gardener Conference
Attend conference and a minimum of 3 seminars; email copy of registration form to
state coordinator. 3 CEC's per registration.

Regional Master Gardener Conferences
Idaho-Thaw & Awe, Spokane-Cabin Fever, Regional Master Gardener Convention (Rexburg,
ID), Wyoming State & Regional Master Gardener Conference...just to name a few. More
will be listed on the Montana Master Gardener website under Upcoming Events as they
arise. 3 CEC's per conference registration.
Flower Shows
Attend a major flower show and a minimum of 3 seminars; email copy of registration
form to state coordinator. 3 CEC's per registraton.