Preparation: Step-by-Step

Wash hands. Thoroughly rinse apricots
to remove any dirt.

Cut fruit following the natural line around the apricot. When
ripe, fruit will easily release from the pit when opened.

Due to their small size, apricots need little further
preparation. They are ready to grill, preserve, eat, or
slice for salads, cereals or smoothies.

To remove skins, drop apricots in boiling water for
30-60 seconds, then immerse in cold water.
The skins should slip off easily.
- Growing apricots requires planting more than one variety for pollination. Purchase one-year-old trees, plant in early spring and soak roots for 2-4 hours before planting. In a full sun location, dig a hole large enough to accommodate the root system. Set plant in soil at the same depth as it was in the container and replace soil firmly against the roots. Water immediately and mulch to a depth of four inches. For more growing information look for the Extension MontGuide, Growing Minor Stone Fruit in Montana, or call your MSU Extension office.
- The best way to determine ripeness is to taste the fruit. The flesh should yield to gentle pressure, and ripening skin will change from green to yellow, red, orange or a combination thereof. To avoid damaging the fruit buds for the next year’s crop, twist the fruit slightly while pulling.
- Select firm, ripe fruit with a bright yellow or orange color.
- Store apricots at room temperature until ripe, then in the refrigerator in a plastic bag for 3-5 days.
- Most fruits are rich in fiber and phytochemicals, but provide negligible amounts of saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, and sodium, and are gluten-free. Apricots are high in Vitamin A and C with 40 calories per half-cup serving.
- Set broiler to high, with rack about four inches from heat. Cut apricots in half and remove pit. Place on a baking sheet with the skin side down and cut side up. Cook 2-5 minutes, or until tender.
- Pierce the apricots (whole or halved) on skewers. Brush with honey and grill until desired tenderness, about 2-3 minutes.
- Place apricots into simmering water or fruit juice. Remove from liquid when tender, about 6-8 minutes. Add spices such as cinnamon or cloves to enhance flavor.
- Rinse and dry apricots to enjoy as is, or with blue cheese for added flavor. Add fresh, chopped apricots to oatmeal or cold cereal. Use apricots to create a breakfast parfait or smoothie with yogurt and granola.
- To enhance the flavor, season with cinnamon, clove and/or honey. Add apricots to cooked vegetables for a natural sweetener.
- For information on preserving fruits, look for the MSU Extension MontGuides: Freezing Fruit; Drying Fruit; Processing Fruit and Tomato Products in a Pressure Canner; Making Jams, Jellies, and Syrups. Visit msuextension.org for more information or call your MSU Extension office.
For More Information:
Montana State University Extension: msuextension.org
MSU Extension Master Gardener: mtmastergardener.org
MSU Extension Food and Nutrition: nutrition.msuextension.org
MSU Extension Nutrition Education Programs: buyeatlivebetter.org
Date of Publication: January 2014