
- Flavor, tenderness, nutrional value and fat content of beef depends on many factors
the breed, age of the animal, feed, cut and cooking techniques. There are two types of cuts that
vary in price and fat content. The first type are lean cuts with a lower fat content and more
expensive. The second type of cuts are not as lean and less expensive. These cuts can be tender
and delicious when cooked with techniques such as tenderizing, marinang and cooking slowly. To
reduce fat content, select lean cuts.
- Keep beef refrigerated below 40oF or frozen at or below 0oF. Ground beef can be refrigerated
one to two days or frozen for three to four months. Steaks and roasts can be refrigerated for
three to five days or frozen for six to twelve months.
- For incorporating beef into a healthy lifestyle, it is best to choose leaner cuts.
However, conditions may dictate choosing cuts with a higher fat content. Top, boom
and eye round
steaks and roasts and top sirloin steak are among the leanest cuts. The cooking method can
affect fat content. Beef provides a variety of essential vitamins and minerals including iron,
choline, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, niacin and riboflavin. It is also a high quality protein source;
which means the body is able to absorb and use the protein readily.
- Preheat oven for 10 minutes. Add seasonings, if desired. Place on rack of broiler
pan and
put in oven 2‐4 inches below heat element. Turn once and cook 8‐30 minutes. Ideal for kabobs, ground beef paes or steaks.
- Add cooked steak slices or ground beef to salads for protein.
- Add seasonings, if desired. Place on grill over medium heat. Cover and grill for desired
tenderness, turning once. Ideal for kabobs,
ground beef paes or steaks.
- Add seasonings, if desired. Heat pan to medium heat, add beef. Do not add oil or water;
or cover the meat. Turn beef occasionally
and cook to desired doneness. Ideal for steaks or ground beef patties.
- Add seasonings, if desired. Use beef cuts ½ inch or thinner size. Heat pan to medium
heat, add oil to coat boom of pan, add
beef. Turn beef occasionally and cook 3‐4 minutes or to desired doneness. Ideal for steaks or ground beef paes.
- For information on preserving beef, read the MSU Extension MontGuide on Home Canning Meat, Poultry and Fish. Visit
nutrition and click on the food preservation link or contact your MSU Extension office.
Pot Roast/Braise/Slow Cooker
- Heat pan to medium heat, add oil to coat bottom of pan, add beef and brown sides.
Add seasonings, if
desired. Place beef in stock pot and add ½ to 2 cups of liquid, such as broth, water or an acidic fruit juice. Cover and simmer on low heat on the
stovetop or in a 325oF oven. Cook for 1‐3 hours. Ideal for large, less tender cuts of beef, such as short ribs, pot roasts and briskets.
- Preheat oven to 325F or 425F. Place roast fat side up on a rack in a shallow roastng
pan. Do not allow the meat to rest in fat. Do not
add water or cover the roast. Cook for up to 3 hours, depending on size. Let stand for 15‐20 minutes. Ideal for roasts or meatloaf.
Beef: Cuts & Cooking Methods
For More Information:
Montana State University Extension:
MSU Extension Master Gardener:
MSU Extension Food and Nutrition:
MSU Extension Nutrition Education Programs:
Date of Publication: November 2015