Lessons in Leadership

A 2021 MSU Hilleman Scholar raising his hand during a Lessons in Leadership speaker session.
In the MSU Hilleman Scholars Program, we rely heavily on the deep learning and thought-provoking conversations that come from the Lessons in Leadership speakers from alumni, community leaders and investors in the program. These speaking engagements, whether to the entire scholar group, a cohort, or with a small group of scholars typically last no more than 90 minutes (including question and answer) This program serves as a way for interested parties to engage with the program and for the scholars to advance their thinking and learning in new directions.
Lessons in Leadership speakers provide the MSU HIlleman Scholars with important insight on not only their career path, but also perspectives on the many and varied "wicked problems" they will need to solve in their places of work, communiites, and society at large. Our Lessons in Leadershipspeakers provide important context for the scholars to understand the complexity and opporutnity of the world they will inherit.
The MSU Hilleman Scholars Program has opportunities to speak during the Summer Success Academy, as well as during the regular school year. If you are interested in being apart of our Lessons in Leadership speaker series or nominating someone who think has valuable insight to share with our scholars, please fill out one of the below forms.