When should you expect an FYI notification from CIM?

As a member of a curriculum committee you will get an FYI email notification with a link to review the proposal. There is no approval necessary; this is for your review only. The Chair of the committee will be the one to approve it so it moves forward in CIM. 

As the initiator of a new proposal or proposed change to a course or program, you will get an FYI notification when the approval is complete and it is moved to the Registrar's Office to be put into Banner. 

As a Department Head or Dean you will get an FYI notification on program proposals and changes when the approval is complete and it is moved to the Registrar's Office to be put into Banner. 

Example of an FYI email notification from the Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system.


No approval is necessary; this is for your review only.

There has been a new course proposed or proposed changes to the course AVMT 100: Introduction to Aviation Maintenance Mathematics/Basic Physics.


You may review this course or the course changes by visiting:


For questions or additional information regarding this email, please contact Keely Holmes at keely.holmes@montana.edu or 406-994-7136.



Curriculum Development: https://www.montana.edu/provost/curriculum-development/

CourseLeaf Help: https://www.montana.edu/registrar/CourseleafHelp.html


Thank you.

-- CourseLeaf