Healthy and Pleasant Mealtimes

Designing Healthy Lunchrooms Checklist
The Designing Healthy Lunchrooms Checklist is a list of simple, no cost or low cost strategies that may increase participation, reduce food waste, and increase selection and consumption of healthy school food. It can be used as a training or goal setting tool for your lunch program.
Download the Designing Healthy Lunchrooms Checklist

Eat the Rainbow Salad Bar Checklist
The Eat the Rainbow Checklist is designed to determine if your salad bar is meeting smart menu planning and customer service best practice standards. It can be used as a training or goal setting tool for your lunch program.
Download the Eat the Rainbow Salad Bar Checklist

Breakfasts Boosts Brainpower Checklist
The Breakfast Boost Brainpower Checklist is a list of simple, no cost or low cost strategies that many increase participation, reduce food waste, and increase selection and consumption of healthy breakfasts. It can be used as a training or goal setting tool for your breakfast program.
Download the Breakfast Boosts Brainpower Checklist

Comfortable Cafeterias for K-12 Schools
Comfortable cafeterias set the stage for better learning, behavior, and health for school aged children.
Access Comfortable Cafeteria handouts
Watch our Comfortable Cafeterias video

Pass the Peaches Please! for Early Childcare
Preschool aged children in child care centers also benefit from positive and pleasant mealtimes.
Access Pass the Peaches Please! handouts
Watch our Pass the Peaches Please! video

Recess Before Lunch
Recess Before Lunch (RBL) allows students to play (go to recess) first, and then have lunch. Play, then eat. It's an effective School Wellness strategy that helps students eat well and perform well in school.
Schools use Recess Before Lunch for these reasons:
Improved student behavior on the playground, in the lunchroom and in afternoon classrooms
Improved lunchroom atmosphere
Students eat better and waste less
Access the Recess Before Lunch resource page

Let's Eat! Engaging Students in Smarter Lunchrooms Curriculum Guide
Engaging students in school meals improves customer satisfaction, gives students the opportunity to provide creative ideas and create positive change while building an encouraging relationship with the school food service staff.
Check out the Let's Eat! Engaging Students in Smarter Lunchrooms Guide for best practices and K-12 classroom lesson plans to engage middle and high school students in their lunchroom.