School Wellness Policy
Montana School Wellness Policy Resources
Six Steps to Implement a Strong Wellness Policy: A Montana Guide for Success
This School Wellness in Action Guide provides information and guidelines to assist schools in updating their school wellness policies to support healthy school environments for students and staff.
School Wellness Policy Assessment Tool
The School Wellness Policy Assessment Tool may be helpful when the time comes to complete your district level Wellness Policy Report. Thank you for your commitment to school wellness and creating a healthy school environment!
MTSBA Model School Wellness Policy
The Montana School Board Association has a model school wellness policy available to review.
Additional School Wellness Policy Resources

USDA Local School Wellness Policy Resources
Each local educational agency (LEA) that participates in the National School Lunch Program or other federal child nutrition programs is required by federal law to establish a local school wellness policy for all schools under its jurisdiction. Local wellness policies are an important tool for parents, LEAs and school districts in promoting student wellness.

USDA's Local School Wellness Policy Communication Toolkit
Engage school staff and parents in school wellness using these ready-to-go communication tools. Sharing news about your Local School Wellness Policy is easy with these flyers, presentations, newsletter articles, and social media posts. Your school can personalize them to make them specific to your Local School Wellness Policy activities.

Action for Healthy Kids School Wellness Policy 101
This is another great resource for understanding school wellness policies and why they are important.
Alliance for a Healthier Generation District Wellness Policy Resources
Learn how to refresh your local school wellness policy and put your policy into practice!