CRRE team

Current CRRE Faculty Fellows

CRRE Faculty Fellows

CRRE Faculty Fellows are active members of the CRRE’s community of research and practice who:

  1. Engage in ongoing funded research and service contributing to the mission of the CRRE through collaborative, inter-disciplinary, and place-conscious efforts to support and strengthen rural education and leadership in the state of Montana, the nation, and across the globe.
  2. Provide leadership and guidance across a wide range of issues related to rural education by conducting rigorous research, facilitating constructive conversations, and providing professional learning and service designed to clarify and address identified challenges.
  3. Serve as mentors, leaders, and liaisons to promote and prioritize the strengths of rural students, teachers, leaders, parents, and communities, enabling MSU to fulfill its land grant mission and strategic plan.

Qualifications / Criteria and Application for Appointment

CRRE Faculty Affiliates and CRRE Graduate Student Affiliates

CRRE Affiliates contribute to the CRRE’s community of research and practice through:

  1. Engaging in short-term research projects or service activities aligned with the CRRE mission to support and strengthen rural education and leadership in the state of Montana, the nation, and across the globe.
  2. Developing scholarly products or service outcomes that can be used by the CRRE to expand its knowledge base and carry out its mission.
  3. Collaborating with other CRRE Faculty Fellows and Affiliates to promote and prioritize the strengths of rural students, teachers, leaders, parents, and communities.

Qualifications / Criteria and Application for Appointment