Family and Consumer Sciences
Family Economics and Financial Management Classes
Family & Human Development
Today in Montana, there are over 6,600 kinship caregivers providing care to children without parental support. This group was formed to provide support and education for the kinship caregivers right here in Cascade County. The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Project was established in 2002 and has taken many forms across the state, most recently changing its name to the Montana Kinship Navigator Program (MTKNP). For more information at the state level visit the Montana Kinship Navigator Program website or email
For more information about the MTKNP please contact the MSU Extension Cascade County office at 406-454-6980.

Powerful Tools for Caregivers Class
6 week class series
Date:Tuesdays, Sept 17, 24 Oct 1, 8, 15,22
Time:1:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Guy Tobacco room at Sletten Cancer Institute, 1117 29th St South in Great Falls
Cost: FREE
Powerful Tools for Caregivers program provides information and education for friends andrelatives acting as caregivers for an adult with chronic medical conditions.
Join us for 2 hours each Tuesday for six weeks and gain tools, knowledge and support to help you take better care of yourself to enable you to continue to be an effective caregiver.
This weekly series of classes is taught by certified class leader Jona McNamee and assisted by Felicia O’Brien, Cascade County MSU Extension FCS Agent..

Powerful Tools for Caregivers Support and Education Group
Date: Meets 3rd Monday of each month
Time: 12pm – 1pm
Location: Sletten Cancer Institute in Guy Tobacco Room,
1117 29th St South in Great Falls, MT 59405
A support and education group for caregivers that are caring for a loved one with
a chronic illness or condition. This group is intended for the caregiver only, topics
covered include self-care, food & nutrition, difficult decisions, nutrition, respite,
activity, and more. For more information, contact Felicia O'Brien, MSU Extension Cascade County FCS Agent,
at or 406-454-6980.

Memory Café
Date: Meets 1st Tuesday of each month
Time: 12:30pm – 2pm
Location: Great Falls Public Library,
Cordingley Room in basement of library
301 2nd Ave N, Great Falls, MT 59404
Memory Cafe is a comfortable social gathering for community, connection, and support
to socialize and connect with those that are concerned with memory loss. Join us for
snacks, coffee, and fun! This program is intended for caregivers and anyone who is
concerned with memory loss, you are welcome to being your friend or family member
who experiences memory loss to this program. For more information, contact Felicia
O'Brien, MSU Extension Cascade County FCS Agent, at or 406-454-6980.
Food & Nutrition Classes

You CAN! Food Preservation Classes
Classes are now FULL! You can still register to be put on the waiting list for the next set of classes.
#1 Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - Food Preservation 101 - Learn the basics in food preservation. This class is HIGHLY encouraged if taking additional classes. This class will cover science, safety, equipment and basic procedures in various methods of food preservation regardless of experience.
#2 Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - Jams and Jellies - Learn the basics of water bath canning, jam/jelly making, and the important details to make a delicious and safe homemade product.
#5 Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - Meats and Dehydration - Learn to properly preserve meats and fish through pressure canning and use dehydration techniques to preserve food.
Unable to attend class but still interested in food preservation? Check out the Food Preservation 101 series where MSU Extension food preservers share the science and preservation best practices on the following topics:
- Fermentation 101
- Water bath canning 101
- Atmospheric steam canning 101
- Pressure canning 101
- Freezing and drying 101
- Sausage making 101
Additional Resources: Food preservation MontGuides can be found on the Montana State University Publications website

Meals in Minutes
Electric Pressure Cooking Class
Classes are currently unavailable.
Time: 6pm-8pm
Cost: $15
Location: MSU Extension Cascade County, 3300 3rd St NE #9, Great Falls, MT 59404
Join us for this interactive and hands-on workshop learning how to prepare family meals in minutes using electric pressure cookers.
Topics to be covered include:
- Pressure cooker shopping tips
- No fear pressure cooking
- Food preparation pointers
- Food demonstrations
- Recipe booklets
- Food safety

8-Hour Manager Certification Class
- Minimum class size: 5 people- if 4 or less are registered the class will be cancelled.
Time:8:30am - 5pm (with a lunch break from 12pm- 1pm)
Location: Cascade County MSU Extension Office
3300 3rd St NE #9
Great Falls, MT 59404
Cost: $140
- Exact cash or check (made payable to MSU Extension)
Felicia O'Brien, MSU Extension - Cascade County Family & Consumer Sciences Agent
ServSafe Food Manager Class (8 hours class)
The food manager course is an in-depth look at food safety and cover the following topics: safe food, forms of contamination, the flow of food, food safety management systems, safe facilities, and cleaning and sanitizing.
Additional Resources:
- For questions regarding regulation and requirements please contact the local sanitarians. In Cascade County please contact the environmental Health Office at 406-454-6950.
- For more details on the ServSafe Food Manager class visit the ServSafe website
- Download a PDF of the ServSafe Class Dates Flyer
ServSafe Food Handler Class (4 hour class)
Food handler course is a brief overview of the following topics: personal hygiene, controlling time and temperature, preventing cross contamination, and cleaning and sanitizing.
ServSafe classes and exams are currently unavailable.
Location: MSU Extension, 3300 3rd St NE #9
Cost: Free
Please note, this coursedoes not fulfill the CFPM requirement.
Food Pantry Food Handler (2 hour class)
Food pantry food handler course is specific to food pantries. This course covers receiving and distributing donations, food storage, controlling time and temperature, personal hygiene, and cleaning and sanitizing. This class does is not affiliated with ServSafe, it is intended to offer basic food safety training specifically for food pantries and like establishments.
ServSafe Food Manger Exam Proctoring
ServSafe classes and exams are currently unavailable.
Health & Wellness
Dining with Diabetes is a cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with diabetes and their family members or caregivers.
In a series of four classes, cooking demonstrations will help you learn healthy techniques to use in your own kitchen. The program includes sampling healthy foods and discussion with a dietitian or certified diabetes educator, plus a follow-up reunion class held at a later date.
Who Can Attend?
Anyone with concerns about diabetes or anyone interested in controlling blood sugar is encouraged to participate and to bring a family member, friend, caregiver, or other support person.
Class Details:
Class will be a hybrid class of online OR in-person classes held at the Cascade County MSU Extension office 3300 3rd St. NE #9, Great Falls, please indicate your choice when registering.
We will do meal preparations, the lesson, and conclude with a shared meal (virtually). Meeting links and information will be sent via email the day of each class. You can access webex through your mobile device, tablet, or computer.
Recommended Kitchen/Cooking Utensils
- Mixing bowls
- Measuring cups/spoons
- Cookie sheet
- 9x13 pan
- Tin foil
- Sharp knife
- Vegetable peeler (we will be peeling 1-2 apples)
- Colander
- Medium saucepan
- Wisk
MSU MontGuides

MSU MontGuides
What is a MontGuide
Current information in a concise format on topics relevant to you published by MSU Extension. Feel free to visit our website at MSU Extension Publication Store for an expanded list of MontGuide topics.
Family and Consumer Sciences specific MontGuides
Business & Community Development
Housing and Environmental Health
MontGuides Authored or Co-Authored by Katrin Finch
Seeking Private Guardianship for a Minor in Montana-MT201906HR
Kinship Caregivers Raising Relative Children Navigating the resources MT201813HR
Agriculture related MontGuides
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Interested in attending classes?
Interested in attending classes offered by Cascade County MSU Extension? Please email and we will send you an email on upcoming classes in the area of Family and Consumer Sciences.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717.