Contact Schutter Diagnostic Lab
There's an MSU Extension agent in most counties and reservations in Montana. To speak with an agent in your area, contact your local Extension office.
The Schutter Diagnostic Lab is located in Bozeman, in the MSU Plant BioScience building. We are open for walk-in clients from 9:00AM to 12:00PM, Monday through Friday.
Montana State University
119 Plant BioScience Bldg
P.O. Box 173150
Bozeman, MT 59717-3150
The Schutter Diagnostic Lab is located on the MSU campus in room 121 of the Plant Bioscience Building, which is on the SW corner of 11th and College (diagonal from the Daily Coffee Shop and FedEx; where the roundabout is).
Vehicles should pull into the parking lot to the west of the roundabout, there you will see are two buildings; Animal Bioscience to the west and Plant Bioscience to the south (only the Animal Bioscience sign is visible from the parking lot). If you keep driving south in the parking lot, there is a service drive area, where there are two 30-minute spots next to the dumpsters/recycling bins. Park there.
Enter the double doors to the left (where the sidewalk is). Walk past the restrooms, turn left, and the Schutter Lab is just down the hall on the right, across from the main office. There is also a box right outside the door to drop off samples.
Lab Specialists

Chloe Rice