Meet our Extension Field Crop Pathology team and find their contact information below. Please direct field crop pathology-related inquiries, questions, and comments to Uta McKelvy.
Current Team Members

Uta McKelvy, Ph.D.

Monica Brelsford

Linda Hebb

Daymond Baney
Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology

Rowan Edwards
MS Graduate Student
Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
Previous Team Members
Mary Burrows
Professor Extension Plant Pathology, Currently Director of Agricultural Experiment Station at Virginia Tech
Everet Owen
MS Student
Collins Bugingo
PhD Student
Paul Lorenzo
MS Student
Sydney Atencio
MS Student
Nar Ranabhat
MS Student
Tim Seipel
Former Postdoctoral Research Associate
Current Cropland Weed Extension Specialist at MSU
Further Information
Contact Uta McKelvy for more information about MSU Extension Field Crop Pathology and the McKelvy Lab. For general plant disease inquiries and diagnosis, contact the Schutter Diagnostic Lab.