
This page contains links to publications, videos, and other information about horticulture in Montana.
Yard and Garden publications, including MSU Extension MontGuides, IPM Alerts, and magazine articles.
MontGuides are free to download from the MSU Extension Store, with the option to purchase in print. You can browse through all the Yard and Garden MontGuides and select the ones most applicable to you.
Popular Yard and Garden MontGuides are listed below:
- Maintaining Successful Lawns in Montana
- Successful Home Vegetable Gardening
- Heirloom Vegetables for Montana Gardens
- Herbs for Montana Gardens
- Growing Tomatoes in Montana
- Growing Cold-hardy Berries and Small Fruits in Montana
- Vegetable Seed and Transplant Schedules
- Home Garden Soil Testing and Fertilizer Guidelines
- What's Wrong with This Tree?
- Houseplant Selection and Care
Urban IPM Alerts
Stay informed with the latest Montana horticulture news and events by subscribing to the Urban IPM Alerts mailing list.
Lives and Landscapes Magazine
Lives and Landscapes is a quarterly publication from MSU Extension that features practical articles full of easy-to-apply information.
- Fall Garden Care and Winter Preparation Checklist
- Ask Steward: Native Bee Conservation for Montana Landscapes
Selecting a title will expand the page to reveal a YouTube video player. Stay up-to-date on the latest plant science videos by subscribing to the MSU Extension YouTube channel.
Montana is home to a variety of bee species that require habitat and floral resources in order to thrive in our landscapes. By incorporating a diverse palette of flowers with varying colors, textures, and bloom times- you can create a nutritious source of food for these vital pollinators. Native bee habitat can be an equally important consideration for pollinator gardening, and can take the form of a variety of patches of undisturbed soil for ground-nesting bees, and bee hotels (which can consist of cardboard and bamboo tubes, drilled wooden blocks, reeds, and bundles of pith) for the cavity nesting bee species.
Presented by Abi Saeed, Extension horticulture specialist.
Nonliving factors that influence the health of plants are referred to as abiotic disorders. Abiotic issues include temperature, moisture extremes, weather, and soil nutrient availability. Human actions can also be considered abiotic. Planting trees too deep, mechanical injury, and watering practices can stress plants, which can lead to decreased health and potential death of the plant.
Presented by Abi Saeed, Extension horticulture specialist.
Useful Links
Other links of interest.
Further Information
Contact Horticulture Specialist Abi Saeed to learn more about the Yard and Garden program here at Montana State University Extension.