Graduate Student Research and Scholarship
This is not a complete list of theses, professional papers or dissertations. Please contact the History & Philosophy if you are looking for something in particular.
Published Works by Our Students

Anthony Wood
Black Montana: Settler Colonialism and the Erosion of the Racial Fronter, 1877-1930

Betsy Gaines Quammen
American Zion: Cliven Bundy, God, and Public Lands in the West

Brad Snow
Living with Lead: An Environmental HIstory of Idaho's Coeur D'Alenes, 1885-2011

Diane Smith
Yellowstone and the Smithsonian: Centers of Wildlife Conservation
Casey Pallister (2022)
Perilous Propigation: The Orgins and growth of Eugenics in Montana
Jill Falcon Ramaker (2021)
Chi Bizhiki (Grandfather Buffalo): Anishinaabe Sovereignty, The Seasonal Round, And Resistance to the Colonization of the Web of Life, 1780-1890
Will Wright (2021)
Nature Unbound: What Gray Wolves, Monarch Butterflies, and Giant Sequoias Tell Us about Large Landscape Conservation
Frank Boynton (2021)
The Horses with No Names: Lessons from the U.S. Civil War
Clinton Colgrove (2020)
Schools of empires: the role of higher education and colonization in the American West and Japan
Jeffrey Bartos (2018)
Mining for empire: gold, American engineers, and transnational extractive capitalism, 1889-1914
Cheryl Hendry (2017)
Finding nature in an industrial swamp: a case study of New Jersey's Hackensack meadowlands
Betsy Gains Quammen (2017)
American Zion: Mormon perspectives on landscape from Zion National Park to the Bundy family war
Gary Sims (2017)
Damn the torpedoes: the history of science and undersea warfare in World War II
Natalie Scheidler (2016)
And they all fell silent: gender and violence in Butte, Montana, 1910-1950
Gerald Van Slyke (2016)
The citizen militias of the United States: their antecedents, development, and present condition
Robin Hardy (2016)
Dangerous vagabonds': resistance to slave emancipation and the colony of Senegal
Daniel Zizzamia (2015)
Making the west malleable: coal, geohistory, and western expansion, 1800-1920
Robert Gardner (2013)
Technological Forests: Engineering Nature with Tree Planting on the Great Plains, 1870-1944
E. Jerry Jessee (2013)
Paul Sivitz (2012)
Communication and Community: Moving Scientific Knowledge in Britain and America, 1732-1782
Diane Smith (2012)
Brad Snow (2012)
Living with Lead: An Environmental History of the Coeur D'Alenes, 1885-2011
Theses and Professional Papers
Daniel Goodman (2019) Guiding visions of the space age: how imaginative expectations directed an industry
Evan Kelly (2019) A turbulent upriver flow: steamboat narratives of nature, technology, and humans in Montana Territory
Adam Negri (2019) Regarding policy in chronic traumatic encephalopathy as a transhistoric disorder
Anthony Wood (2018) The erosion of the racial frontier: settler colonialism and the history of black Montana, 1880-1930
Amanda Hardin (2017) Summer camp's color line: racialized landscapes and the struggle for integration, 1890-1950
Mary MacLean (2016) Dying to communicate: the unabomber's determinism
Kerri Clement (2016) Phantoms on the land: animals, ghost trails, and wilderness in Yellowstone National Park
Patrick Collier (2016) The fences of the National Reactor Testing Station: intersections of popular culture and nuclear waste in eastern Idaho
Ben Davis (2015) Endangered waters: interdependency on Montana's Big Hole River
Amy Dixon (2015) Petroleum harvest: farming, oil, and power in Montana's central and eastern oil booms, 1919-1950s
Alexander Aston (2014) Flame of the red flag: cogntive ecologies of the Paris commune
Michael Taylor (2014) Falling over in Philadelphia: early American psychotropy and transatlantic intoxication
Derek Akin (2013) Vigilantes and Desperadoes: Sectionalism in Civil War Montana
Jeffrey Bartos (2013) The Blight of the Federation: James McParland, The Pinkerton National Detective Agency, and The Western Federation of Miners, 1892-1907
Chad Freitag (2013) Cold Warriors and Vietnam: Mike Mansfield's Role in American Foreign Policy
Gary Sims (2013) Damn the Torpedoes: The Creation of Knowledge During World War II
Craig Townsend (2013) The Struggle to Build a Railroad to Cooke City Montana
Kelly Kirk (2011) State of Change: Gender and the 1972 MT Constitutional Convention
Ellen Kress (2011) Wonder and spectacle in the world's first national park: railroad imagery of Yellowstone National Park
Jacob Rubow (2010) The Province of the Geologist
Elizabeth Watry (2010) More than mere camps and coaches: the Wylie Camping Company and the development of a middle-class leisure ethic in Yellowstone National Park, 1883-1916
Francis Johnson (2008) Lines of copper, tears of glass: the birth, growth and death of the Montana Power Company
Patrick Callaway (2008) Religion and public order in the 1790s
George Erickson (2008) History of Sand Coulee, Montana 1880 through 1900
Walker Asserson (2007) The Economist in the Garden
Michael Wise (2007) Wolves and Whiskey
Erin Meyer (2006) "To Grace Your Face" with Halo Pearls: Class-based Advertising to Women in the "Slicks" and Pulps
Merri Ketterer (2006) Stereoscoping Race and Gender in Virginia City
Sunday Walker-Kuntz (2006) Land, life, and feme sole: women homesteaders in the Yellowstone River Valley, 1909-1934
Linda Kneeland (2006) African American suffering and suicide under slavery
Wendy Zirngibl (2006) Elk in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem : conflicts over management and conservation prior to natural regulation
Jen Brown (2005) Hatcheries, Hybrids and the Creation of a Heralded Blue Ribbon Trout Stream
Charissa Fuhrman (2005) Atomic BA: The Loss of Nuclear Expertise in the Cold War
Susan Martin (2005) Pumps in the Woods: History of Women's Uniforms in the National Park Service
Bridgette Case (2004) The women's protective union : union women activists in a union town,1890-1929
Shannon Hope (2004) Walking A Crooked Line: Alvin M. Joesephy Jr.
Shannon Ongaro (2004) The historical power of the imagination: Ngugi Wa Thiong'o and the production of place
Miles Travis (2004) Mixed Messeges: Thomas Calloway and the American Negro Exhibit of 1900
Matthew White (2004) Requiem the Night: The Nocturnes of Frederic Remington and the Dawn of the 20th Century
John Gallagher (2004) A man of Germany: acceptable uncertainties in a time of war
Diane Smith (2004) What one knows one loves best: a brief administrative history of science education in the national parks, 1916-1925
Miranda Buckmaster (2003) Remaking American Indian histories: recognizing their voices, stories, lives
Brad Snow (2003) From the sixth floor to the Copper Dome: 'the Company's' political influence in Montana, 1920-1959
Molly Holz (2003) The Minutemen Missiles in Montana
Sharyn Sears (2003) An Insatiable Hunger: Fashion, Leisure and the Appetite for Animals
Kathleen Werner (2003) Mobilizing the Rural Home Front: The Extention, Montana Women, and World War II
Joshua Kelly (2002) America's Laboratory: Yellowstone's Forgotten Tradition
Cora Larson (2002) Cattle Grazing and Public Lands in the American West 1865-Present
Chris Rodi (2002) Reclaiming the Possibility of Historical Accuracy
Rusty Hawkins (2001) Eugenics in the Treasure State: Montana's Buried Past
Amanda DeClue (2001) Living in fear of the pale faced messenger: the private and public responses to yellow fever in Philadelphia, 1793-1799
Thomas Haynes (2001) Before the 'big dogs': an environmental history of bison and Plains Indians in the Yellowstone River Basin
Amy McKinney (2000) From the 'lost' to the 'greatest' generation: eastern Montana youth in the 1930s
April Fosdick (1999) Competing Discourses: Early Strategies for Women's Rights
James Jenks (1999) Judging Poverty: Institutional Poverty Relief in Gallatin County During the Nineteenth Century
Willard McCarthur (1999) Changes in the West: Mormons and the ecological geography of nationalism
Shane Runyon (1999) Fort Mose: the free African community and militia of Spanish St. Augustine
SilverMoon (1999) Fray Bernardino de Sahagun and the Nahua: conflicting interests intertwined
Steven Camac (1998) The Eastern foundations: Near Eastern influence on the Ionian Presocratics and the transmission of Eastern religious ideas to Ionia
Christopher Waldrip (1998) Fear and desire: miscegenation in the postbellum South
Jennifer Dunn (1998) Defining the Other: Southern, Central and Eastern European Immigrants in Butte Montana 1900-1920
Rachel Fleming (1997) World War II Prisoners of Conscience
Sarah Broadbent (1997) Sportsmen and the evolution of the conservation idea in Yellowstone: 1882-1894
Douglas Edwards (1997) Exhibiting the possibilities: the Montana State Fair
William Fischer (1997) Faith, hope, and ethnicity: St. Mary's parish in Butte
Jason Nye (1996) The will of the people: popular support for marriage reform, St. Andrews, 1559-1600
William Stoddart (1996) Whose deal?: Burton K. Wheeler and the Indian Reorganization Act
Peggy Riley (1996) Women of the Great Falls African Methodist Episcopal Church
Delbert Van Denberg (1996) Building Castles in the Air: Andreas Wormser, Immigrant Locator and Land Developer
Don Mellon (1995) The early experimenters: Gilbert, Galileo, and Harvey
Zane Fullbright (1994) Miners, Movers and Moldboards:The Settlement of the Castle Mountains
Johanna Pfund (1994) Western nature--German culture: German representations of Yellowstone, 1872-1910
Joseph McGeshick (1993) The Sokaogon Chippewa and their lost treaty: 'We have always been here'
Carol Rydell (1993) Aldo Starker Leopold: wildlife biologist and public policy maker
David Weber (1993) Culture wars: the influence of religion in public life according to Richard John Neuhaus
Molly McAuliffe (1993) Playing by Men's Rules: Montana's Rodeo Cowgirls of Yesterday and Today
Lindsey Miller (1993) Evolution of a Civil Libertarian: Burton K. Wheeler 1910-1918
E. Derek Strahn (1992) Asking for Survival: The Environmental Implications of Cultural Revitalization of the Fort Belknap Reservation
Joseph Weixelman (1992) The Power to Evoke Wonder: Native Americans and the Geysers of Yellowstone National Park
Martha Foster (1991) Of Baggage and Bondage: Gender and Status Among Hitdatsa and Crow Women
Jeffrey Sinnott (1991) Television, Translators, and the Second Class TV Citizen: A Montana Case Study 1955-1970
Dennis Seibel (1990) Odyssey: the Montana Centennial Train, 1964-1965
Catherine Goetz (1989) Emerging identity in Afro-American women's novels, 1892-1937
Elizabeth Mentzer (1989) Made in Montana: Montana's post office murals
Richard Wojtowicz (1989)The grasshopper campaigns of 1917-1924: entomology at war
Thomas Gentry (1988) Specialized residential and business districts: Philadelphia in an age of change, 1785-1800
Joan Brownell (1987) The genesis of wildlife conservation in Montana
James Muhn (1987) The Mizpah-Pumpkin Creek Grazing District: its history and influence of the enactment of a public lands grazing policy, 1926-1934
Brian Shovers (1987) Miners, managers, and machines: industrial accidents and occupational disease in the Butte underground, 1880-1920
Jon Axline (1985) This is a case for the police: the Butte Police Department, 1914-1920
Stacy King-Powers (1985) Caught in the crossfire: violence against women, Butte, Montana, 1895-1920
Carol MacKubbin (1985) Mary Chestnut and her literary friends
Jeanne Eder (1983) Chief Little Shell's tribe of landless Chippewa Indians of Montana: a question of recognition
Marilyn McMillan (1982) Taking the waters: Montana's early hot spring resorts
Jean Schmidt (1981) Copper kings, populists and log-rollers: the third session of the Montana State Legislature, 1893
Karen Fischer (1980) Wolf behavior: a history of its study in North America
Jay Spehar (1980) The reformation of American Indian policy and the Flathead Confederation, 1877-1893
Michael Schmotzer (1979) Abraham Flexner and the reform of American medical education to 1915
Marguerite Harris (1977) Radical environmental protectionism in a small community: a study of the Bolinas water moratorium
David Everett (1976) The 1952 Montana elections: politics as usual
Edrie Vinson (1976) The People's Power League: a progressive organization in Montana 1911-1915
Kathleen Hendricks (1975) The advancement of the science of engineering and the interest of the profession : the Montana Society of Civil Engineers 1887-1899
Peter McGorry (1975) The Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and the development of dry farming techniques: 1902-1920
William Beaird (1974) Termination of federal supervision over the Klamath tribe of Indians, Oregon, 1928-1961
John Bell (1974) Congress and the supersonic transport, 1960-1971
Doris Ward (1974) The winning of woman suffrage in Montana
James Putnam (1973) The evolution of a frontier town : Bozeman, Montana, and its search for economic stability, 1864-1877
Timothy Carman (1971) Senator Zales Ecton: a product of reaction
John Ellingsen (1971) The Grand Union Hotel, Fort Benton, Montana; a symbol of an age
Thomas Satterthwaite (1971) Cornelius Francis Kelley: the rise of an industrial statesman
Ronald Kenney (1969) The Fairway Farms: an experiment in a new agricultural age
William Miller (1969) Montana and the specter [sic] of McCarthyism, 1952-1954
John MacDonald (1950) History of navigation on the Yellowstone river