Thomas E. McMahon
Professor Emeritus of Fisheries

Past Courses taught
- Fall
- WILD 513 Fish Habitat Management, even years
- Spring
- WILD 301 Principles of Fish and Wildlife Management, co-taught with Dave Willey
- BIOO 415 Ichthyology
- On Demand
- Undergraduate Internship, WILD 498
- Other previous courses: Careers in Fish and Wildlife; Fisheries Management; Research Methods and the Scientific Process; Topics in Fish Ecology
- Summer/Online Courses
- Ecology of Trout Streams, BIOE 597, summer in even years; part of MSU MS in Science Education (MSSE) degree for high school science teachers, co-taught with Lindsey Albertson
- Online: Ecology and Conservation of the World's Marine Ecosystems, BIOE 595, for MSSE Program, offered fall odd years
Professional Service and Awards
- Career Achievement Award, Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 2022.
- Appointed member of the Governor's Future Fisheries Review Panel, Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, 2003-2007.
- Appointed member of Excellence in Fisheries Education Award committee, 2006-2007.
- Best Paper award nomination, Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 2002.
- Elected Western Division Representative, Education Section, American Fisheries Society, 2003-2005.
- Fishery Professional of the Year award, Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 2002.
- Associate Editor, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 1996-1998
- Elected member, Executive Committee, Montana Chapter, American Fisheries Society, 1996-1999 (consecutive terms for secretary-treasurer, vice president, president, past-pres.).
- Best Paper award, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 1996.